Sunday, September 13, 2009


Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Thanks to the caring and sharing heart of Henry Ho, one of my blog mentors, I now have a clean slate at the library, i.e. no more fines, and I will have clean clothes due to his friendly laundry service.
Sometimes those drudgery chores, like laundry, translate into luxurious thank you very much for your friendship and good cheer.
Indeed, it was serendipity for me when Henry approached me one Saturday morning and said he wanted to help but didn't know how. The friendship blossomed into a meaningful relationship for both of us.
Henry read some of my articles and encouraged me to blog. Thanks to the computer expertise of Glenn Miller here we are.
I encourage followers to respond with comments, suggestions and other helpful input.
Thanks for reading and thanks for caring and sharing.
Sometimes just one person's heart touches another's heart and the feeling keeps nurturing a friendship between two people from different backgrounds whose lifes intersect in an interpersonal bonding relationship.
I'm blessed and know that someday I'll be able to pass it on in similar fashion.

1 comment:

  1. "I'm blessed and know that someday I'll be able to pass it on in similar fashion." The very essence of the gospel. Go and do likewise. Needed that reminder...Tks to World Garden and the Cobblestone folks for the food, inspiration, and blessings yesterday!
